Are you still looking for job security? Why not gain financial freedom?

Super Trader Academy is offering online training in “Gain financial freedom course”  in India. This course will help you to become financially strong. You will not depend on job security to maintain your lifestyle. It is suited for everyone includes basic finance for nonfinance people.

Financial Freedom Free course.

By the end of this Course you will be able to

  •   Why financial skill is critical to our survival in today’s world
  •  What is compounding and importance of time
  • Evaluate tax implication on savings.
  • Plan effective solution to retirement income

Mutual Fund Timing System (Gain Financial Freedom Level 2 Course)

This course will help you become the top investor using our tested Mutual Fund timing system. Our system based on simple rules gives you the best way to invest in stock market, just at the right time. Learn to invest as per MF Timing System and gain your financial freedom.

Learn best way to invest money in India. Our Gain financial freedom course is based on simple to understand ideas that make it easy to know personal finance even for beginners.

Learn how to invest in Mutual Fund using algorithm-based process from our expert coach to become a super investor.


Mission Statement:

Help people gain financial freedom through investment planning using simple process and train traders to get profitable using process-based trading methods.

Why I do what I do?

Majority of us work in private companies. Often our job security depends on the company’s performance. These companies are always competing with each other to make profit. We cannot predict their future. You may have heard of Nokia, Blackberry, Reliance communication, Kingfisher, Jet etc. They were doing well before their sudden collapse.

Economic recession also forces companies to undergo cost cutting. This may result in company restructuring and our jobs becoming redundant.

At present, we may be feeling secure in our job. But future may have some surprises in store.

What is financial freedom?

Financial freedom is a condition in which we live a stress-free life. We do not have worries about our family’s financial future. We do not worry about our bills. We have no debt. No EMIs to be paid. It is a condition in which we have the freedom to choose, what we do with our time. If we do not plan this for ourselves, we will always remain part of somebody else’s plan. We will remain a corporate slave.

Join our Gain Financial Freedom course to get an actionable plan and gain your financial freedom.

Compound interest is such a powerful tool that Albert Einstein once called it the most important invention in all of human history. Investing and trading business takes advantage of compound interest and helps to build wealth over a period of time.

I have known and worked with Arun Sharma since 2011.

I have seen him evolve from a good investor to an outstanding investor. He has adopted systems trading, disciplined his approach, done significant amount of research and development.

He improves his methods constantly due to his curious, investigative mind, his disciplined study and analysis and his sharp intellect.

Anyone who wants to improve their investing and trading skills would benefit from Arun’s wisdom and experience, whether you are new to the markets or a seasoned trader.

I am proud to be part of his growth and look forward to many more years of association with him.

Sinan Koray

Professional Trader & Mentor

Hi, I’m Arun Sharma.

I help people make money from money to gain their financial freedom.

I also help people generate additional income stream from investing and trading even if they have never participated in Share Market.

Arun Sharma